Built-in Types

This document serves as a reference for many of the built-in types which are available when programming in the IDE. Programmers using the command-line tools will have access to these types as long as they have imported wirish.h; several are defined in in libmaple_types.h.

Integral types

type char

8-bit integer value.

type short int

16-bit integer value.

type int

32-bit integer value.

type long

32-bit integer value.

type long long

64-bit integer value.

type int8

8-bit integer value. Synonym for signed char.

type uint8

8-bit unsigned integer value. Synonym for unsigned char.

type byte

8-bit unsigned integer value. Synonym for unsigned char.

type int16

16-bit integer value. Synonym for short.

type uint16

16-bit unsigned integer value. Synonym for unsigned short.

type int32

32-bit integer value. Synonym for int.

type uint32

Unsigned 32-bit integer value. Synonym for unsigned int

type int64

64-bit integer value. Synonym for long long

type uint64

Unsigned 64-bit integer value. Synonym for unsigned long long.

Floating-Point Types

type float

32-bit, IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point type.

type double

64-bit, IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point type.

Miscellaneous Types

type voidFuncPtr

Pointer to a function that takes no arguments and returns nothing, i.e.

typedef void (*voidFuncPtr)(void);
type bool

Boolean type.


type void

Not really a type. To be honest with you, this only exists here to silence warnings from our documentation build system.

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