
Defines the base types and type-related macros used throughout the rest of libmaple.

Integral Types

typedef unsigned char uint8

typedef unsigned short uint16

typedef unsigned int uint32

typedef unsigned long long uint64

typedef signed char int8

typedef short int16

typedef int int32

typedef long long int64

Attributes and Type Qualifiers


This is a macro for volatile which is used to denote that the variable whose type is being qualified is IO-mapped. Its most common use is in the individual members of each register map struct.


This is a macro for a GCC __attribute__ which (when using the linker scripts provided with libmaple) will cause the variable being marked to be stored in Flash, rather than SRAM. The variable’s value may be read like that of any other variable, but it may not be written.

Other typedefs

typedef void(* voidFuncPtr)(void)